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Wine Pick of the Week: 2015 E. Guigal Côtes du Rhône

The Houston Chronicle’s longtime wine columnist, Dale Robertson, has selected E. Guigal’s 2015 Côtes du Rhône Rouge as the paper’s featured Wine Pick of the Week, rating it 9.1 out of 10. Robertson reinforces our sentiment that this wine always over delivers for the $17.99 (SRP) price point, noting that hefound the wine to be equal parts earthy and elegant with many layers of flavors — and I scored it a 10th of a point higher than the 2015 La Bernardine Châteauneuf-du-Pape that we also tasted, which sells for $67.99.”

In addition to elaborating on the tasting notes, he details why this is a wine worth stocking up on as it is a vintage to remember, “It was the best in the Southern Rhone since 2010 with a good yield of healthy, ripe fruit, although the ripening season was long and very hot. Guigal predicts the wine will go down as one of its best-ever Côtes du Rhones, equal to the 1998 and 2005.”

You can read the full feature online HERE

Houston Chron April 2019 CdR

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    E. Guigal

    Rhône Valley, France

    The more you learn about the Guigal family, the more astounding becomes their story.  Their wines are the benchmarks for every Rhône appellation, and over the last thirty years they have become arguably the most lauded producer in the world.  Year after year the Guigal family produces wines of exceptional quality that in all classes offer exceptional value.