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When It’s OK to Add Ice to Your Wine, According to Experts

Vinepair explores a heavily debated topic in a new article about adding ice to your wine glass. Contributor Samantha Leal questions whether this is “outdated, misinterpreted advice from some wine-snob rule book that needs to be tossed out?” She turns to the experts, including Château Minuty Co-Owner Francois Matton to weigh in.

Leal suggests that adding ice to “bright and crisp varieties that will retain some acidity when diluted are safe bets,” such as rosé. Matton chimes in, factually stating “we can all agree that there’s nothing worse than a warm glass of rosé.” Continuing he explains how wine enjoyed by the pool or on a roof tends to warm quickly outside in the heat, “so adding ice helps make the experience better — like with popular cocktails. This trend is becoming extremely popular across the French Riviera and Caribbean.”

Several other industry experts weigh in to discuss the topic, which you can read HERE