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El Bullipedia + Juvé & Camps Take NYC by Storm

NY Times Food writer Florence Fabricant interviewed Ferran Adrià and Ferran Centelles about their labor of love, The Bullipedia Project. After the closure of El Bulli restaurant in 2011, the El Bulli foundation is now publishing more than 20 books about many aspects of gastronomy. “It’s part of the Bullipedia project, encyclopedic surveys and analyses written by teams of experts. There are eight volumes of intensely detailed books on wine, Bullipedia Wine Sapiens; the first two, “Contextualizaton and Viticulture” and “Vinification and Classifications,” have been translated from Spanish into English — subsidized by Juvé & Camps, a venerable cava producer — and are now available in the United States,” says Fabricant.

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    Juvé & Camps

    Penedès, Spain

    Juvé & Camps is an indisputable worldwide leader of Spanish premium sparkling wines. This family-owned, 100% estate-based producer is revered in Spain for its painstaking focus on quality and sustainability, and its important role within the country’s conversation on fine wine in general.