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LIVE with Tenuta Luce

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VINTUS Master Sommelier Craig Collins interviews Tenuta Luce winemaker Alessandro Marini. The two discuss the unique processes that the estate has taken to pair variety with terroir and touch base on what is currently happening in the cellar with the 2019 vintage. Watch the video below to find out. 

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    Tenuta Luce

    Montalcino, Italy

    Today, Luce goes so much further than was originally envisioned when started as a project over 20 years ago. The estate now has some of the most exceptional vineyards in Montalcino and, as of 2018, a state of the art winery to nurture every step of the winemaking process. The original vision, however, remains the same: to produce a bold and ambitious Super Tuscan that reflects the culture of Montalcino.