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Rosé Redux: The Pink Season Arrives

Over the past decade, rosé has become the “it” wine. In four years, from 2016 to 2020, sales in American liquor stores rose nearly 300% according to Nielson research. The Aspen Times reports that “though rosé is made in virtually every wine region on Earth these days, the sweet spot for it is Provence.” This magical stretch of land benefits from plentiful sunshine and varied terroir that together provide a textbook environment for producing a variety of red grapes, including grenache, syrah, cinsault, — all used in the production of rosé .

Wine writer Kelly Hayes recommends Château Minuty 2019 Prestige Rosé, as a higher-end Provençal wine, capable of providing not just sunshine in a glass, but a touch of luxury at an affordable price!

Read the full story HERE.
