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Rosé Simplified: Your Easy Shorcut to the Best Wines of Summer

Forbes contributor, Larry Olmsted, provides the easiest shortcut to the best summer wines: drink Chateau Minuty. Everyone knows that rosé is the perfect summer wine; its cool enough for the heat but versatile enough that it matches any food. Unfortunately, the rise in its popularity has made the category filled with low quality options – so Olmsted urges readers to consider a safe bet with Chateau Minuty.

He offers background on the Côtes de Provence estate, adding “Minuty stands out, and the 80-plus year old family owned winery is generally acknowledged to be among the world’s top producers, championing especially food-friendly wines that can be enjoyed all year round – not just in summertime. As a result, shopping for this label is about as fail safe and simple a way to enjoy reliably great rosé as you can imagine.”

The feature includes in depth reviews of the entire 2019 lineup, which consists of the 2019 M de Minuty, 2019 Minuty Prestige, 2019 Rosé et Or and 2019 Château Minuty 281. Find these reviews, and more on the Côtes de Provence region, HERE.
