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The Best Wines to Pair with Spicy Food

Martha Stewart Living published a helpful piece giving readers some guidelines and specific recommendations, including M de Minuty 2019, when it comes to pairing wine with popular spicy foods.

Rosé is suggested as a smart option to enhance Mexican cuisine, which often features fresh, dried, powdered or even smoked peppers (of ranging heat intensity). The writer explains, “there are several aspects to rosé that make this a fabulous pairing. One key factor of pairing any kind of spicy food with wine is to look for wines that are lower in alcohol: Because alcohol amplifies the sensation of heat, lower alcohol wines can help balance out your palate. Rosé is typically in the 11-13 percent ABV range.” Continuing, “the fact that rosé is a fruit-forward wine style is a nice contrast with earthy and smoky flavors, and serving it chilled is a refreshing counterpart to fiery flavors.”

The “bright, citrusy, and dry” style of M de Minuty 2019 is suggested as a great match to balance out the tangy filling of corn-stuffed poblano chiles. Read the piece and grab the recipe HERE